"The behaviors and information were the problem, my body was trying to help!" Christie Dondero Bettwy Heather Creekmore is joined today by Christie Dondero Bettwy, the executive director of Rock Recovery, an organization dedicated to helping those struggling with...

Eating Disorders
Could Your Body Image Issues Connect to ADHD? Featuring Dr. Tamara Rosier
Today Heather has a fascinating discussion with Tamara Rosier, PhD about the connections between ADHD and body image issues and eating disorders. Heather explores this topic as an extension of personal research she's been doing about her own undetected ADHD type...
Freedom Has Nothing to Do With the Number on the Scale Featuring Laura Acuna
Today Heather interviews Laura Acuna an author, speaker, and coach who helps women find freedom from body and food shame. Laura shares her story, how she gained one hundred pounds as a middle schooler, and how she battled weight and food shame for decades before God...
What is Health, Really? A History of BMI Charts, Ideal Weights, & Healthy Eating
One of the biggest obstacles women who are battling body image face is the pressure from society to meet a standard of health that is evidenced by one's appearance. Today, Heather takes a deep dive into all things "health." This is part one of an hour-long talk...
Confession a Real (Thick-Thighed) Swimsuit Model
Hi. My name is Heather and I'm a real swimsuit model. Thick thighs, post-baby flab, deflated nursing boobs and all. Of course I'm not the kind featured in Sports Illustrated. You'll never see me in a suntan lotion ad or on a billboard holding a summer-y beverage. My...
How Personality Connects to Food/ Body Issues with Travis Stewart
Today Heather talks with Travis Stewart, a licensed professional counselor and leader in the eating disorder recovery world. Travis and Heather discuss how understanding our core needs and motivations, which some may classify as part of "personality" can help us...
Why Am I Always Hungry? Health, Diets, “Good” Vs. “Bad” Foods
Why am I hungry all the time? It’s a question I find myself asking too often. I’ll admit, sometimes it’s because I’ve been restricting myself. Instead of listening to my body, honoring my hunger, and eating intuitively, I only allow myself to eat what seems right and...
Skipping Lunch Is No Big Deal, Right? Restrictive Dieting, Over Exercising & Orthorexia
The Makings of my orthorexia As my body matured and grew through puberty, I found myself in an unhealthy romantic relationship with a boy that was crumbling. I also found myself busier and more stressed than ever between my honors classes, extracurriculars, sports,...
5 Ways to Not Eat ALL the Candy, Cookies, and Pie This Holiday Season
In less than an hour, my four children amassed over twelve pounds of candy. It was an uncharacteristically cold and rainy trick-or-treat day here, and our neighbors were generous. Too generous. One of the scariest things about Halloween is how afterwards I'm left with...
Longing to Be Seen: Finding Purpose Out of Pain After Eating Disorder
I spent most of my adolescence desperate to be seen, but terrified of rejection. This caused me to never truly embrace how God made me. I instead looked to the world for what would make me valuable and worthy. Lost and confused, I turned to diets and food to save me....