Today Heather has a fascinating discussion with Tamara Rosier, PhD about the connections between ADHD and body image issues and eating disorders. Heather explores this topic as an extension of personal research she's been doing about her own undetected ADHD type...

Help Wife with Body Image
The Fight-Free Way to Navigate Wife’s Body Image Issues: FAQs
Does your wife struggle with body image issues? Have you ever wondered what to say or do to help her? Here's the fight-free way to navigate a wife's body image issues. The first thing you need to do, especially if you are already a Christian, is read this article. It...
Looking for More Help? Affordable Christian Body Image Coaching
Affordable, effective, and God-honoring body image coaching is now more accessible than ever. If you need a Christian body image coach, look no further than Heather from Compared to Who? How much freedom could you find if you had someone to talk to about what's...
Five Ways to Encourage a Spouse Who Wants to Lose Weight
Weight loss. Sigh. Seems like every commercial break from January 'til June gives me no fewer than three weight loss program options. Especially on Food Network. Goodness. Can't I just watch them bake delicious concoctions without the every-seven-minutes reminders...