Heather Creekmore is joined by Erin Todd and Char-Lee Cassel from the Intuitive Eating for Christian Women podcast for a holiday intuitive eating coaching call. The discussion delves into the principles of intuitive eating, including unconditional permission to eat...

Podcast Episodes
Finding Freedom: Michelle Rayburn’s Journey From Diet Culture to Freedom
Podcast host and author, Michelle Rayburn shares her powerful journey out of Diet Culture and into intuitive eating that may have been inspired by reading Heather's first book, "Compared to Who?" In this episode, Michelle discusses her struggles with body image and...
Generation Z, Identity, and Body Image Issues Featuring Jessie Cruickshank
Today Heather continues her conversation with Jessie Cruickshank about Generation Z, their anxieties, the differences in the way they want to relate and the ways the learn, and how to help them with body image issues. Here are some key take aways from today's episode:...
Understanding Gen Z Featuring Jessie Cruickshank
Today's show is a must-listen if you have children, nieces, nephews, grandchildren or folks in your ministry who are a part of Gen Z categorized as those between the ages of 12 and 26. Heather's guest, Jessie Cruickshank, has been studying the older set of this...
Ask Me Anything: Body Dysmorphic Disorder, Diet Talk, and What Good Can Come from Getting Fat?
Today Heather answers three listener questions related to body image and self-worth. These questions were taken from the Facebook group "Body Image for Christian Women" (Join anytime and look for opportunities to submit your questions!) Heather's first...
Wise Investments: How Money Stewardship Connects to Body Stewardship
This thought-provoking episode of "Compared to Who?" explains the connections between being a good "steward" of our money and the stewardship of our bodies. Looking at Matthew 6, Heather answers a listener's question: How can I know what it means to be a good steward...
I Didn’t Know I Had an Eating Disorder, Now I Have a New Identity Featuring Christie Dondero Bettwy
"The behaviors and information were the problem, my body was trying to help!" Christie Dondero Bettwy Heather Creekmore is joined today by Christie Dondero Bettwy, the executive director of Rock Recovery, an organization dedicated to helping those struggling with...
Is Your Body Storing Trauma? The Biology of Trauma with Dr. Aimie Apiagan
Heather talks with Dr. Aimie Apiagan, MD, MS, MPH, a medical doctor who has committed her life's work to studying how trauma impacts our physical bodies. In today's show, Dr. Aimie shares her own experiences with trauma, revealing patterns of disordered eating...
Could Your Body Image Issues Connect to ADHD? Featuring Dr. Tamara Rosier
Today Heather has a fascinating discussion with Tamara Rosier, PhD about the connections between ADHD and body image issues and eating disorders. Heather explores this topic as an extension of personal research she's been doing about her own undetected ADHD type...
The Role of Spiritual Maturity in Body Image Healing Featuring Laura Acuna
Today Heather is back with speaker, author, and coach, Laura Acuna to talk about the role spiritual maturity plays in healing body image issues. Laura and Heather talk about how hard and necessary it is to separate the lies we hear from the truth of scripture. They...