stop comparing. start living


The Real Cure for Comparison

I'm so weary of hearing pithy quotes about comparison without being offered tangible solutions. "Don't compare your behind the scenes to someone else's highlights reel." Or, the way overused, "Comparison is the thief of joy." They're fine statements, but you already...

How to Trade Weight Loss Stress for a Joyful Life

Tired of weight loss stress? In today's guest post, my new friend Jen encourages you with healthy ways to cope if you're trying to lose weight! While I don’t believe there’s anything wrong with wanting to improve your health and drop some weight, too often I see the...

Big, Fat Lies About Identity: Trading for the Truth

Why did I choose today to let her pick her own clothes?! Of course, today we’d bump into her--the mom that makes me feel like the Peg Bundy to her June Cleaver. I looked down at my daughter. Princess dress. Leopard boots. Red Christmas coat. Christmas was weeks past...

Are You the Villain in Your Own Story?

Yesterday I watched the movie Tangled with my kids. It reminded me of how powerful fairy tales are at telling stories and how they assist us in recognizing good and evil in the real world. C.S. Lewis put it this way, regarding fairy tales, "Since it is so likely that...