LOVE BLINDERS My body changes couldn’t have come at a worse time in my mind. I was in the midst of an unhealthy relationship (disclaimer: I did not know it was toxic at the time) with a boy that was crumbling. We’ll call him Brad (not actually his real name). To make...

Always the Bridesmaid: Do You Struggle to Feel Like the Bride?
Between Valentine's Day and wedding season it can be a challenge to not have this one thought as a single woman: Why am I still single? If you're like me, maybe the other question you're asking is this: "Why am I always the bridesmaid?" Or, "When will it be my turn to...
When You Don’t Feel Chosen: Valentine’s Day Encouragement
To celebrate Valentine's Day and raise a little money for the student council, every year our school held a carnation sale. Order forms went home and you could choose to buy a flower in either red, pink, or white for one you loved, liked, or considered a friend. That...
The Burden of Better is for: Married Women
The Burden of Better is a Christian book for married women! Okay it’s for single women too. But if you are married, you’re going to hear a twist on comparison inside our homes that perhaps you’ve never even considered. Comparing ourselves TO our husbands. Yes, that’s...
What to Do if He Battles Lust: Help! My Christian Husband Looks at Porn.
Thanks to shelter-in-place orders and too much time at home with screens, pornography use is on the rise again. If your Christian husband looks at porn, or if you're wrestling the impact of porn use in your marriage, I hope you'll take a moment to read this and take...
13 Things I’ve Learned in 13 Years of Marriage
Today's my 13th wedding anniversary! When I got married I thought I knew a lot about marriage. I had heard it would be "hard" but, deep down, I believed I was smart enough to hack it. Boy, was I wrong! So, in honor of my thirteenth, here are 13 things I've learned...
Five Ways to Encourage a Spouse Who Wants to Lose Weight
Weight loss. Sigh. Seems like every commercial break from January 'til June gives me no fewer than three weight loss program options. Especially on Food Network. Goodness. Can't I just watch them bake delicious concoctions without the every-seven-minutes reminders...
Three Ways to Find A Good Man
I met my husband at age 30. This was exactly 13 years later than planned. Truth is, I started college two weeks after I turned 17 and really hoped to leave with an MRS. degree. Seems God had other plans. Though now I look back on the decade (post-college) that I spent...
Five BIG Myths About Body Image
The sign at the gym lists reasons why patrons should return to workout tomorrow. I laugh (and restrain myself from pulling out a Sharpie) as I read them. Reason number one reads: "No more body image issues." Ahhh . . . If only that were true. I've been a fitness...
Four Ways (for Christian Girls) to Know if He’s “the One”
You walk through the day as if you're floating on a cloud. You no longer need sleep, food, or Netflix. You're in love. . . He's all you can think about and it seems he feels the same. Maybe you've said, "I love you" or you feel it's coming soon. You'd never tell him...