“I’m back! We women have to reinvent ourselves every year. That’s just the way it goes. Now, I’m back. Isn’t it marvelous? I look different. I feel different. I'm BAAAACK!” These words flowed out of the mouth of some former celebrity-turned-interior designer. I’d...

Best Songs to Beat Insecurity 2
People of all ages struggle with doubt and insecurity, and do you know a great way to combat these negative feelings? Music! You may remember a post from a few years back called “Best Songs to Beat Insecurity.” Well, here is “Best Songs to Beat Insecurity 2,” an...
The Real Cure for Comparison
I'm so weary of hearing pithy quotes about comparison without being offered tangible solutions. "Don't compare your behind the scenes to someone else's highlights reel." Or, the way overused, "Comparison is the thief of joy." They're fine statements, but you already...
Why We Must Stop Saying, “It’s What’s on the Inside that Counts”
It's what's on the inside that counts. -Everyone I distinctly remember how I felt when someone told me, "It's on the inside that counts." Frustration! All through my teens and twenties, I wanted to care less about my weight or my skin or my hair. But, I didn't know...
Why I Quit the Gym
"Come with me! We're going for a walk." She shrugged her indifference, then slid on her pink sneakers. It's not always sunny and 75 degrees in February. We maintained a leisurely pace for a few minutes before she took off running. "Can't catch me!" she taunted from...
I Want You To Like Me: Guest Post from Alisha Illian
Super excited to have a guest post from a phenomenal blogger, Alisha Illian and her post, "I Want You to Like Me!" You may not instantly recognize her name, but you've likely read her review of Rachel Hollis' book, "Girl, Wash Your Face." Today, she writes for...
Confidence With Great Reward: Quick Thoughts on Self-Confidence
Therefore do not throw away your confidence, which has a great reward. For you have need of endurance, so that when you have done the will of God you may receive what is promised. -Hebrews 10:35-36 Confidence. We toss the word around as if it's actually a personality...
What Will They Think of ME?
What Will They Think of Me? “Okay! Now get into crunch position on your ball and start to reach up!” the instructor in the video enthusiastically cried out. I looked over the room of teens as they did their best to follow these instructions, and some of them were...
Dear Approval Idol, We’re Done
Dear Approval Idol: I've had enough. We're finished! This time it's really over. It's been a tough split. You tempt me to come back to you, reminding me that without her approval or his approval, I'll be alone. I'll never succeed. You lure me with thoughts that I'll...
Are You the Villain in Your Own Story?
Yesterday I watched the movie Tangled with my kids. It reminded me of how powerful fairy tales are at telling stories and how they assist us in recognizing good and evil in the real world. C.S. Lewis put it this way, regarding fairy tales, "Since it is so likely that...