Leslie Schilling returns for part two of an insightful and thought-provoking conversation. In this episode, Leslie and host Heather Creekmore discuss the challenging promises of diet culture and the importance of accepting and respecting diverse body types. They delve...

One Habit That Will Change Your Body Image for Good (Day 16)
There's one habit that you need to do, every day, if you really want to experience lasting freedom and change in the arena of your body image. Want to stop comparing yourself to others? Want to feel truly free to love and be loved? Want to get out of the pit of...
January Tune In to Him Prayer Series
This month we'll be spending every weekday praying for issues related to body image and comparison issues. January is the time when everything and everyone around us beckons for us to tune in to their way to be "better" in the new year. Through this series, Heather...
30 Days to Pray for Body Image: Day 2- Wisdom
Today we continue praying for our body image by talking about praying and seeking God for wisdom to reveal to you why and where you are stuck in a body image battle. Most of us have searched far and wide for "wisdom" on how to take care of our body. I know I've...
30 Days to Pray for Body Image: Day 1 – Faith
Today starts a 30 day series of praying for your body image. Today we talk about having the FAITH that you can actually change the way you feel about your body. Many of us have been let down by faith placed in other things. We had faith the diet would work, we had...
Podcast: Food Fixation A Spiritual Battle feat. Asheritah Ciuciu
Best-selling author and speaker, Asheritah Ciuciu talks about the struggle with food fixation and its spiritual roots in this fun and informative episode. Listen as Asheritah explains her prayer asking God to be her "divide dietician" and how she's learning to hit her...
What I Believe About Eating Clean
I'm really glad there isn't a lie detector machine at my doctor's office. Because when she asked me if I "ate clean" I'm fairly confident I let the word "Yes" slip out of my mouth. Of course, as long as tortilla chips, Velveeta dip, street tacos, and M&Ms are...
One Word and Two Resolutions That May Surprise You
I stopped resolving things on December 31st about ten years ago. That was the year my third son was born and in addition to the new responsibility of having to celebrate a birthday on New Year's Eve, I officially hit the limit of things I could possibly think about at...
Practical Strategies for Handling Body Image Flare Ups
The "Questions" series continues today with this great, and practical, question: Dear Heather: What are some practical strategies for handling body image flare ups -- like when you are struggling in the dressing room, or at an event where you feel suddenly...
What My Dieting Showed My Daughter
I hate to admit this. For the longest time, when it comes to food and body image I wasn’t a great example to my daughter. Oh, I thought I was. I read all the articles about it. In my head, I knew that the way I viewed my own body wielded the greatest power over how...