I stopped resolving things on December 31st about ten years ago. That was the year my third son was born and in addition to the new responsibility of having to celebrate a birthday on New Year's Eve, I officially hit the limit of things I could possibly think about at...

Weight Loss
How to Trade Weight Loss Stress for a Joyful Life
Tired of weight loss stress? In today's guest post, my new friend Jen encourages you with healthy ways to cope if you're trying to lose weight! While I don’t believe there’s anything wrong with wanting to improve your health and drop some weight, too often I see the...
20 Ways to Feel Lighter This Summer: Quick Body Image Boosters
Body image isn't really about your body. It's not about your size, your weight, or dimensions. No, it's about your brain and your heart. Although many popular psychologists would only acknowledge poor thinking as the problem, poor patterns of belief are just as much...
Five Ways to Encourage a Spouse Who Wants to Lose Weight
Weight loss. Sigh. Seems like every commercial break from January 'til June gives me no fewer than three weight loss program options. Especially on Food Network. Goodness. Can't I just watch them bake delicious concoctions without the every-seven-minutes reminders...
What Christmas Speaks to My Body Image Issues
Eight Christmas parties in seven days. Fun, right? Can I just tell you that we have some friends who are foodies and, well, wow have I consumed some massive quantities of calories lately. So, this morning when I had the privilege of stepping on the scales at the...
Why Women With All Body Types Struggle With Body Image Issues
My middle son called out for me to come quickly. "Mom, the light's blinking in here." Dying light bulbs don't consitute an emergency in my mind, so a few minutes later I went to investigate the situation. There were no fixture issues of any kind. Instead what I found...
What to Do When Your Friend Loses the Weight
Every woman who's ever tried to lose an ounce of weight has had this happen. I'm sure of it. Stepping on the scales every week feels like watching grass grow. Progress is slow. Will it ever change? You give yourself a virtual pat on the back for sticking to your plan...
I Think I Can, I Think I Can’t
Most of us have two lives. The life we live and the unlived life that lives within us. (Say that ten times fast!) Between the two stands Resistance. At least that's what Stephen Pressfield (author of the War of Art and The Legend of Bagger Vance) On January 1, I...
Lose Weight, Shred Fat, Drop Inches…Should Christians Diet?
Should Christians diet? Should we, as Christians, always be "on a diet"? Read more on this important topic, here! Eight pounds. That's what I've gained since I started actively pursuing a sedentary lifestyle. It wasn't my intention to spend the first four months of...
What My Dieting Showed My Daughter
I hate to admit this. For the longest time, when it comes to food and body image I wasn’t a great example to my daughter. Oh, I thought I was. I read all the articles about it. In my head, I knew that the way I viewed my own body wielded the greatest power over how...