Recently, I've started walking. And I love it. To many, walking is an everyday occurrence; something that gets them from point A to B; something that is (for most) a basic human action. As a fairly active individual who loves her runs, it is rather ironic that just a...

Eating Disorders
Holding On Too Tight to My Body Image
Today's guest post is by Brandice Lardner from a site called a Joyful Plate. She's walked through disordered eating and body image issues. Here's what she's learned. . . Do you hold on to your body image? Is changing the way you look something that you just don't want...
Are You Willing to Be Better? When You Feel Like a Leper
Have you ever felt like a leper? I know I have. I remember when I was deep in the eating disorder and looked like mere skin and bones (as shown below). People would point at me on the road and laugh; would pass mean comments about me assuming I was deaf; and people...
Full: Food, Jesus and the Battle for Satisfaction
Bark Thins. Make-my-doctor happy, non-GMO chocolate combined with sea salt and almonds. They are my kryptonite. So, when we swung by Costco on Thursday night so that my husband could pick up some snacks for his men's retreat this weekend, I decided to pick up a...
(Encouragement for Battling Eating Disorders) Dear Friend: Eat
Last week was National Eating Disorder Awareness Week. I've blogged a little about my own battle with disordered eating here. Today, I've invited Jessica Otto to share her story and some encouragement for battling eating disorders. Here's her letter to those who...
When Someone Brings Up Your Weight: A Cheesecake Dilemma
Have you ever had someone bring up YOUR weight or the topic of weight loss during dinner? Do you stop eating? Hide your body under the table cloth? Defend yourself with your food journal? Here's a dilemma many of us can all relate to and how contributor Summer handled...
Dear Fear: We’re Done
Dear Fear, It's quite interesting that you rhyme with dear although you are definitely not something dear to me, or something I want near to me. I've written several letters to you; several letters to the names you have manifested yourself as: eating disorder,...
Shopping Cart Righteousness and Drive Thru Shame
Imagine yourself in a back alley of a questionable neighborhood, wearing a hooded coat which hides your guilty eyes. You shift your weight from side to side, resist the urge to run, and command yourself; “Be cool man. Just be cool. No one will know. Just a few more...
Still Struggling with Food? Me Too
Would you believe it if I told you that while writing my eating disorder story I actually thought I didn't really struggle with food anymore? It's true. I really thought it no longer applied to me. Sure, I've technically been "recovered" from an eating disorder for...
I Want to Be Small: Eating Disorders and Hope
I desire to be small. Described with adjectives like "tiny." Complimented with words like, "Oh! You're so little!" That's what makes me feel big. Ironic, right? This summer God stirred my heart as I pondered one question: Why is that I desire to be small in order to...