stop comparing. start living


The Beauty Trap

The fear of man lays a snare but whoever trusts in The Lord is safe. Proverbs 29:25 (ESV) A few years ago I diligently watched the Today show #LoveYourSelfie series. If you missed it, the basic premise was to uncover ways to help solve our society's prevalent struggle...

I Want My Beauty Idol

Are you a Christian who longs to be more beautiful? Read this! I'll admit it. I've watched way too many seasons of American Idol.  I liked to pick my faves during auditions and see how far they could go. I loved the emotional drama of Hollywood Week. Yes, I sometimes...

Curly Hair, Don’t Care (Except that I Really Do)

I saw a t-shirt once that said, "Tease it up to Jesus." I don't have to. When I step out of my house on a humid day, my unruly mane is already halfway up to Heaven. When I played with Barbie as a kid, how I envied that tiny, plastic bombshell. It wasn’t her freakishly...

The Time I Went Without Make-up…and the World Kept Turning

I have worn make-up every day since I first put on eyeshadow as a young teenager and someone told me my eyes looked bigger (YES! Success!). After that, make-up and I became buddies. Best buddies. I never left home without it. One time in college, my roommate’s...

Beauty and the Beast, Rachel and Leah

You might be wondering what in the world Beauty and the Beast has in common with marriage and a lady from the Bible. I did too, until the last few days. I have started a book study on Heather Creekmore's book Compared To Who and by the second chapter I am upset. Not...

Do Highlights and Make-up Make Me Less Spiritual?

It was just a little chat between friends: Kids, new slow cooker recipes, books we were plowing through, and the omnipresent Florida heat were the usual topics of conversation. Oh. And the little detail that I was garage-selling most of my household items, packing up...

It’s Just Hair: Does Our Hair Affect Our Value?

“Stay calm. Just breathe. It’s going to be okay.” I repeated this to myself several times over on the way home. Truthfully, I was on the verge of tears. The source of my great upset was my new haircut. As David greeted me, “Oh, you’re hair looks so good!” The...