When my brother and I were in elementary school, we looked forward to one reward for cooperating during a grocery store trip. A donut. For me, it was Boston Cream-filled--the top covered in chocolate and the middle oozing with a creamy, pudding like deliciousness....

Weight Loss
When Someone Brings Up Your Weight: A Cheesecake Dilemma
Have you ever had someone bring up YOUR weight or the topic of weight loss during dinner? Do you stop eating? Hide your body under the table cloth? Defend yourself with your food journal? Here's a dilemma many of us can all relate to and how contributor Summer handled...
How Do I Stop Dieting?
Yesterday was national "Give up Your Resolutions Day." How discouraging for everyone who started a diet on January 1st, right? I mean, I love diets. I really do. The structure. The plan. The twinge of excitement you get when you believe that this eating program could...
The Last Resolution You’ll Ever Need to Make
I love a great makeover story. Do you? To see the “before” and “after” of a new haircut or wardrobe change or how people are able to take control of their health when they lose weight . . . We love a good success story, don’t we? What strikes me most about any of...
The Best Gift this New Year is Not Weight Loss
It’s a tough time of year for body image. Everywhere we turn, the perfect body is heralded as the ultimate happiness. I flipped on the TV the other day only to find a diet specialist who outlined Hollywood “nutrition” and the way it could help us get thinner in the...
Shopping Cart Righteousness and Drive Thru Shame
Imagine yourself in a back alley of a questionable neighborhood, wearing a hooded coat which hides your guilty eyes. You shift your weight from side to side, resist the urge to run, and command yourself; “Be cool man. Just be cool. No one will know. Just a few more...
Still Struggling with Food? Me Too
Would you believe it if I told you that while writing my eating disorder story I actually thought I didn't really struggle with food anymore? It's true. I really thought it no longer applied to me. Sure, I've technically been "recovered" from an eating disorder for...
The Miracle Weight Loss Secret Our Hearts Are Searching For
"I've struggled with my weight for as long as I remember..." That's how the email began. Oooh... Someone else who struggles is going to share their secret! That hook works on me. Every. Single. Time. Please! Tell me how you solved it! Please, please, please tell me...
Is it Time to Stop Blaming Barbie?
"Finally, Barbie will look more like us!" The radio DJ exclaimed. "This will help little girls feel better about themselves. It's so great for them." She gushed. But is it true? Will the new, curvier Barbies--or their darker skin or shorter stature...
I Don’t Want to Be the Fat Friend
“I don’t want to be the fat friend!” I had never actually said the words out loud before. But as I finally admitted this truth to my husband, I was flooded with unexpected emotions. Growing up, I was (almost) always the skinniest girl wherever I went. I was proud of...