*List just updated!* Does the thought of an intense aerobics class or run around the block intimidate you? I have good news for you--walking is exercise too! And you know what the best motivator is? Music! That's why I created this list of the best Christian walking...

Weight Loss
Skipping Lunch Is No Big Deal, Right? Restrictive Dieting, Over Exercising & Orthorexia
The Makings of my orthorexia As my body matured and grew through puberty, I found myself in an unhealthy romantic relationship with a boy that was crumbling. I also found myself busier and more stressed than ever between my honors classes, extracurriculars, sports,...
Why a Bible Reading Plan is Better for Your Body Image than a Diet
If you truly want to reach your "New Year, New You" goals - may I make a suggestion? Don't start a new diet, start a new Bible reading plan. Yes, I understand that the holidays may have taken their toll on the way your jeans fit. I know that every fiber of your being...
3 Reasons Why Losing Weight Should NOT be Your First New Year’s Resolution
According to the Journal of Clinical Psychology (University of Scranton), losing weight is consistently the number one New Year’s Resolution that people make. I think this is a huge mistake. Why? Because it doesn’t work… Statistically, fewer than half of the people...
The Burden of Better is For: Recovering Dieters
I confess: You’d be hard pressed to name a diet I haven’t tried. Eating for my blood type, by color, only carbs (it was the thing in the 90s!), no carbs (it’s the thing now)… You name it. I’ve done it. They always ended with me feeling hungry, maybe a little angry,...
5 Ways to Not Eat ALL the Candy, Cookies, and Pie This Holiday Season
In less than an hour, my four children amassed over twelve pounds of candy. It was an uncharacteristically cold and rainy trick-or-treat day here, and our neighbors were generous. Too generous. One of the scariest things about Halloween is how afterwards I'm left with...
Intuitive Eating for Christian Women: Offering Grace for the Wandering Heart
As two women who once judged our own goodness based on our restraint around cake, we know an idol when we see it. We know how quickly a pure, good, God-given desire can take the place of Christ in our lives. We first recognized that our desire to be good stewards of...
My Beauty Idol: Mindy’s Story
Today, I'm so thrilled to share with you the story of my reader friend, Mindy and her journey to finding body image freedom and uncovering her beauty idol. Mindy's words are powerful! She breaks down this issue in a way that I know will help so many of you who are...
Tired of Trying to Be Better? Me Too…
I'm officially over hearing about how to be a better mom. You can also keep your ten tips to being a better employee, your six steps to being a better friend, and your secrets to being a great wife lists. Additionally, I'm rejecting all alliterations for building a...
What I Believe About Eating Clean
I'm really glad there isn't a lie detector machine at my doctor's office. Because when she asked me if I "ate clean" I'm fairly confident I let the word "Yes" slip out of my mouth. Of course, as long as tortilla chips, Velveeta dip, street tacos, and M&Ms are...