With less than forty-eight hours left on the clock, I rushed into the store dragging my seven-year-old son behind me. We were heading to a water park in two days and I needed a new swimsuit. Having looked at the scale with disdain that morning, getting a root canal...

Weight Loss
Healthy Summer Kid Snack Recipe: Peanut Butter Balls
Okay, so I'm not exactly a food blogger. No Pioneer Woman here. And if you saw my epic bake fail on Netflix, you may be hesitant to follow my food recipes . . . BUT . . . I do have four children who are ALWAYS hungry. Especially in the summer. An hour of swimming and...
Best Christian Workout Songs 2023
Here's the reason I'm writing this list of the best Christian workout songs: A few years ago when the song Gangnam Style topped the charts, my eldest son was in kindergarten at a local elementary school. His gym teacher found this particular tune to be an asset...
Body Image and Media: Is a Silent Killer Hiding at Your Salon
"I'll never get a pedicure again." That's what I exclaimed the first time I watched an evening news show's segment featuring women who had their feet amputated after a cuticle scrub with an unsterilized tool. Gross. But, in my twenty years or so of frequenting salons,...
The Diet of Religion: What Diets and Religion Have in Common
I'm on a diet. I know, I know, I'm in the industry and I'm not supposed to use that word. I'm supposed to make "lifestyle changes" and tell people I'm just trying to eat healthier... But, that's not the truth. The truth is, I'm on a diet. I'm not eating certain...
How Not To Handle Fear of Fat
Do you fear fat? Are you afraid of what will happen if your body size never changes? Or, maybe you're afraid that someday your size will change and you won't be able to control it? Read Mindy's wise words below . . . I had another “fat” day. A day when I could feel...
The Joy Workout: 3 Songs, 12 Minutes to a Lighter Soul
Some of my regular readers know that I quit the gym a few months ago. Since then, I've been struggling with what to do for exercise. Enter: the Joy Workout. I loathe running. Mostly because I look like this when I run. I actually threw up after a 5k. I wish that said...
The Secret to Losing Weight: Look in Your Heart, Not Your Fridge
There's a big secret to losing weight that doesn't have anything to do with carb to protein ratios, Crossfit workouts, or eating like a caveman. It has to do with love. For the first time, ever, I stepped on the scale on New Year's Day and saw a number I should have...
How to Balance Pursuing Health and Body Image Issues
Today the "Questions About Your Body Image and Comparison" series continues with this question about how to balance pursuing health and body image: Dear Heather: I'm a fairly healthy mother and wife who has struggled with my body image for at least twenty years. I...
Why Am I Always Hungry? Health, Diets, “Good” Vs. “Bad” Foods
Why am I hungry all the time? It’s a question I find myself asking too often. I’ll admit, sometimes it’s because I’ve been restricting myself. Instead of listening to my body, honoring my hunger, and eating intuitively, I only allow myself to eat what seems right and...