One of the biggest obstacles women who are battling body image face is the pressure from society to meet a standard of health that is evidenced by one's appearance. Today, Heather takes a deep dive into all things "health." This is part one of an hour-long talk...

Top Podcast Episodes
Body Image and Sex Featuring Francie Winslow
Francie Winslow of the Heaven in Your Home podcast joins Heather for a vulnerable, authentic, and helpful conversation about sex and body image issues. Francie opens up about her own struggles with feeling average and not measuring up to society's standards of beauty....
Do You Long to Be Hot or Holy?
Today's show is a replay of one of the most popular shows of last year. Even if you've already listened, it's a great reminder and encouragement for all of us to remember what it is we are truly called to pursue. Do you want to be hot or holy? Like me, you may...
4 Steps to Navigate a Bad Body Image Day, Week, or Season
Host Heather Creekmore shares what to do when you have a bad body image day or week where you just feel really bad about your body. Heather shares from a recent experience having her own "body image flare up" and how she handled it. The episode also covers topics like...
Cleaning Your House and Body Image Issues Connection
Did you know that your body image issues and cleaning your house like a crazy person may be connected? If you've ever turned into a cleaning Gestapo before company came over or if you've ever stressed way too much over how your house looked, you may be surprised to...
Holy or Hot? How to Make Holiness What We Really Desire
Do we want to be hot or holy? Your answer may be: Both! But the pursuit of a hotter body and the pursuit of looking more like Jesus can sometimes be competing interests. Of course, our pursuit of beauty isn't something to be ashamed of. We've been programmed to...
50 Ways to Beat Comparison Part 1
Why do we stay stuck in comparison, what can we do to break out, in what ways is comparison ACTUALLY hurting us? This episode is a rapid fire list of ways that you can recognize and beat comparison in your life. Many of these ideas are found in my new book, The Burden...
Podcast: Do You Deserve to Wear Shorts?
Do you deserve to wear shorts? Inspired by Mindy Pickens' brilliant post from a few years ago, "Do You Deserve to Wear Shorts?", today I talk through this hot summer topic. We talk about what makes one "worthy" to wear shorts and why we get stuck believing that we're...
Podcast: What About Leah? Body Image, Comparison, Rachel & Leah
Rachel, Leah, and Comparison: Rachel and Leah, the iconic Bible story of two sisters with a giant sibling rivalry, has some hidden truths about body image and comparison. Grab your Bible, turn to Genesis 29 and get ready to see this story in a whole new way. God...