stop comparing. start living

Christian Living

Does Following Jesus Make You Sweat?

Most people are a little embarrassed about sweating-- even while exercising!  Although I used to be one of them, I now find this a little ridiculous. How do you know if you've worked hard if your body's cooling response (sweating) hasn't kicked in?  Why bother going...

Why Jesus Would Trick or Treat

**Updated 10-2023. Please understand that the headline was meant to be provocative and not literal. While I do still believe that Jesus would be loving his neighbor's well - be it on October 31st, July 1st, or April 7th . . . I also know that evil is real, and Jesus...

Four Things to Do When You Want to Quit

Today I decided to eat potato chips and chocolate chips (it's a great combination if you've never tried it) and sit in front of the television watching the Great British Baking Show on Netflix. Sounds productive, right? But, honestly, I feel like there's probably...