One song by Mercy Me called Flawless reminds me of this old meme I did a few years back. I love the lyrics and their phenomenal reminder that we can't be flawless apart from the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Check out the words to the chorus: No matter the bumps No...

Body Image
Improve Body Image This Summer: 8 Things to Do
Do you want to improve body image this summer? What if I told you that the best things you could do for your body image this summer don't require you to lose weight or spend more time in the gym? You'd say I was crazy, right? Here's the truth. If you want to get...
Getting Your Heart Ready for Swimsuit Season
With less than forty-eight hours left on the clock, I rushed into the store dragging my seven-year-old son behind me. We were heading to a water park in two days and I needed a new swimsuit. Having looked at the scale with disdain that morning, getting a root canal...
Should You Wear a Swimsuit if You Don’t Like Your Body?
What if you don't look how you want to look or weigh what you want to weigh? Should you still wear a swimsuit this summer if you don't like your body? This is a post I wrote for For Every Mom a great site, especially for Christian moms! You may be wondering: Is that...
How To Trust When God Throws You in the Deep End
It’s summer time in Texas and my toddlers are learning to swim. Simon is 2, a year and a half younger than big sister Miriam, but he is mountains braver when it comes to jumping in the pool. As some of you would agree, you don’t actually want your kids to be that...
The Fruit Basket: When You Wish You Wore a Different Bra Size
Anxiously, I peered around me. Standing in line to receive my fruit, I saw other women leaving with their pair. Some had limes, lemons, and oranges. Others had grapes, plums or peaches. Still more had grapefruits, cantaloupes, or watermelons. “God,” I moaned. “Please...
Confession a Real (Thick-Thighed) Swimsuit Model
Hi. My name is Heather and I'm a real swimsuit model. Thick thighs, post-baby flab, deflated nursing boobs and all. Of course I'm not the kind featured in Sports Illustrated. You'll never see me in a suntan lotion ad or on a billboard holding a summer-y beverage. My...
Wisdom Wednesdays: Stop Striving to Be More Beautiful the World’s Way
Here's a great shareable image to encourage you and your friends today! Pin it, post it, or forward it to a friend who needs the reminder that her value is not found in her size. You'd be amazed how many women woke up struggling with their body image this morning. Who...
When Women In Your Church Wrestle Body Image: 4 Things to Say
What do you say to women in your church when they wrestle body image issues? I sat at the table's edge, not fully committed to the group of women already crowded around it. I love getting to know women at the MOPS and women's groups where I speak, but, sometimes, I...
Best Christian Workout Songs 2023
Here's the reason I'm writing this list of the best Christian workout songs: A few years ago when the song Gangnam Style topped the charts, my eldest son was in kindergarten at a local elementary school. His gym teacher found this particular tune to be an asset...