Hi. My name is Heather and I'm a real swimsuit model. Thick thighs, post-baby flab, deflated nursing boobs and all. Of course I'm not the kind featured in Sports Illustrated. You'll never see me in a suntan lotion ad or on a billboard holding a summer-y beverage. My...

5 Lessons That Make Aging Gracefully Easier
Aging is real. Aging is not easy. Here are some lessons I learned the year I ventured solidly into my forties. Gulp. Did I just post my age on the internet? But, can I admit something? I've never felt better. Maybe not physically (trips to the gym hurt a lot more than...
Body Image and Media: Is a Silent Killer Hiding at Your Salon
"I'll never get a pedicure again." That's what I exclaimed the first time I watched an evening news show's segment featuring women who had their feet amputated after a cuticle scrub with an unsterilized tool. Gross. But, in my twenty years or so of frequenting salons,...
Fearfully and Wonderfully Made: When that Doesn’t Quite Cut It
You are fearfully and wonderfully made! You've heard it. You've read it. You have it inscribed on a wall plaque. But, you still struggle with your body image. You don't tell anyone it's not helping. Especially not God! What if he gets upset that his word hasn't...
Three Good Reasons to Tilt Your Mirror: Key to Better Body Image
That dress is sooo cute. I bring the hanger to my chin to check the length. Good. Dressing room, here I come! I slip it on and look at the long reflective glass. Wow. This dress is amazing. Have I lost weight? And, then I see it. The mirror. It's tilted. Tilted down,...
Looking for More Help? Affordable Christian Body Image Coaching
Affordable, effective, and God-honoring body image coaching is now more accessible than ever. If you need a Christian body image coach, look no further than Heather from Compared to Who? How much freedom could you find if you had someone to talk to about what's...
Grace That is Greater Than Botox: When Beauty Doesn’t Do What We Hoped it Would
For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation for all people, training us to renounce ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright, and godly lives in the present age. . . Titus 2:11-12 For years I fought a daily battle with my body....
Leah Wasn’t Beautiful: Lessons from Rachel and Leah
Have you ever typed something into Google that you hoped no one would ever see? I sure have. It feels safe to reveal our hearts in the questions we ask a search engine. You can't raise your hand in small group and ask something like this: "What if I desperately want...
Looking Hot Versus Modesty: A Letter to a Young Woman
My Dear Girl: Where did the time go? I just saw your picture on Facebook and could hardly believe how grown up you look. You are not that precocious five-year-old girl to whom I used to sing the Dora the Explorer song. You are technically an adult now. Wow! But, as I...
Should Christians Get Boob Jobs? Coveting Cup Size & Confidence
"I want to get them done." Annie confessed. "I mean, I really want to get them done. I'm obsessed with the idea." "Ok." I replied simply. "Do you know why?" "Well, I don't look the same as I did before nursing. There's nothing there anymore. I know I'd feel better...