Did you make some weight loss resolutions this year? I bet you did. Tis the season for that sort of thing, right? Just yesterday I heard a Christian radio announcer read a story that said the top new year's resolution for many will once again be exercise more....

Weight Loss
The Fear of Scale Cycle
I'm super excited to bring you a new post from my friend Mindy Pickens. Mindy will be serving as a lead contributor here at Compared to Who? and since her first post "My Beauty Idol" she's written an update. If you've ever struggled with your weight or body image, you...
When Jesus Brought Me to the End of Myself
I'm excited to bring you a guest post from my new friend Esther. Esther was introduced to Compared to Who? when I spoke at a MOPS meeting at her church. She told me a bit of her story and I asked her if she'd mind writing something to share with all my readers about...
Taking the Power Away from the Scale
I love this guest post from my friend Erin Kerry. Erin shared more of her story in this post. But, I love her renewed approach to the holidays. Are you ready to start taking the power away from the scale? It’s that time of year. Time for feasting, gorging, bingeing....
How to Get Over the Fear of Being Fat
The "Questions" series continues with this important question about how to get over the fear of being "fat." I put fat in quotations because fat is a term that is not only relative, but also way overused by our culture. I understand that this question will resonate...
When Self-Esteem, Self-Help, Dieting and Exercise Lie to You:: Guest Post
Today's post is by my new reader friend Gina Funderburg. Gina reached out to me with her story and I asked her to share it with you all. I think you'll be encouraged by reading about her journey: When Self-Esteem, Self-Help, Dieting and Exercise Lie to You. My battle...
Why I Didn’t Like the Video of Woman They Drew Hearts On
It's likely you saw it---the viral video of the woman who stripped down to her black bra and underwear and, using only a chalkboard sign, asked people to show their support for body acceptance by drawing a heart somewhere on her body. Here's the video of woman they...
Journey to Freedom: Shannan’s Body Image Journal Week One
Have you ever wished you could read someone else's journal? Not to be a creeper or anything. . . but just so you could know that you aren't the ONLY one who thinks the way you do? Today a very brave reader friend, Shannan, is allowing us to do just that. She felt like...