As two women who once judged our own goodness based on our restraint around cake, we know an idol when we see it. We know how quickly a pure, good, God-given desire can take the place of Christ in our lives. We first recognized that our desire to be good stewards of...

Eating Disorders
A Bug on the Windshield: How Body Image Issues Affect Your Future
I pulled out onto the highway and drove at least a mile before I noticed him--a tiny lady bug stuck smack dab in the middle of my windshield! (Isn't it ironic that lady bugs are male? I digress. . .) Attempting to keep my eyes focused on the road and the cars around...
What I Believe About Eating Clean
I'm really glad there isn't a lie detector machine at my doctor's office. Because when she asked me if I "ate clean" I'm fairly confident I let the word "Yes" slip out of my mouth. Of course, as long as tortilla chips, Velveeta dip, street tacos, and M&Ms are...
Five Ways to Encourage a Spouse Who Wants to Lose Weight
Weight loss. Sigh. Seems like every commercial break from January 'til June gives me no fewer than three weight loss program options. Especially on Food Network. Goodness. Can't I just watch them bake delicious concoctions without the every-seven-minutes reminders...
Why Women With All Body Types Struggle With Body Image Issues
My middle son called out for me to come quickly. "Mom, the light's blinking in here." Dying light bulbs don't consitute an emergency in my mind, so a few minutes later I went to investigate the situation. There were no fixture issues of any kind. Instead what I found...
Do You Have to ‘Love’ Your Body? A Christian Perspective on Body Positivity
Stunned, I sat in front of my television. I could not believe what I just witnessed. The Today show featured a fashion consultant named Gok Wan who said he had discovered the answer for women with body image issues. Are you ready for this? He invites women to his...
Practical Strategies for Handling Body Image Flare Ups
The "Questions" series continues today with this great, and practical, question: Dear Heather: What are some practical strategies for handling body image flare ups -- like when you are struggling in the dressing room, or at an event where you feel suddenly...
Help, I Think My Daughter is Fat! How to Help!
Today our "Questions" series continues with this SUPER tough one from a reader up north! Dear Heather: I have been encouraged by your posts and reminded to look past comparisons and to Christ. However, I'm struggling lately because my daughter is gaining weight and...
This is My Healthy
At the beginning of May, I celebrated my 26th birthday. I had decided to spend the morning at my favorite coffee shop, enjoying my latest guilty pleasure:Gone Girl. I got dressed, put on a touch of makeup, and as I headed out the door I stopped in front of the mirror...
What to Do When Your Friend Loses the Weight
Every woman who's ever tried to lose an ounce of weight has had this happen. I'm sure of it. Stepping on the scales every week feels like watching grass grow. Progress is slow. Will it ever change? You give yourself a virtual pat on the back for sticking to your plan...