Church girls: Have you ever found yourself falling into the trap of comparison, even at church, the place where you grew up learning not to envy? I've certainly caught myself more than once. Don’t worry. There’s no way she felt my gaze. I stood on the balcony, hidden...

Looking for More Help? Affordable Christian Body Image Coaching
Affordable, effective, and God-honoring body image coaching is now more accessible than ever. If you need a Christian body image coach, look no further than Heather from Compared to Who? How much freedom could you find if you had someone to talk to about what's...
The Burden of Better is For: Joy Seekers
We know how joy gets stolen (Comparison IS the thief of joy, after all). But, where do you go to replenish it? How do you remain filled with joy even on days when you’re bloated, Zoom doesn’t work right during that important meeting, the kids are fighting, and the...
The Burden of Better is for: Perfectionists
This Christian book about perfectionism will lead you to new answers you've likely not heard before. Why? Because I think there's a little perfectionist in all of us. We’ve all spent way too long staring at a paragraph, or an art project, or our own appearance, trying...
The Burden of Better is for: Chronic Comparers
This brand new Christian book on comparison is designed for chronic comparers! I confess. I’ve spent most of my life on the ladder of comparison. Sliding up and down its rungs each day. Some days, I’d feel like I was making progress. Maybe I got the promotion, my hair...
What to Do if He Battles Lust: Help! My Christian Husband Looks at Porn.
Thanks to shelter-in-place orders and too much time at home with screens, pornography use is on the rise again. If your Christian husband looks at porn, or if you're wrestling the impact of porn use in your marriage, I hope you'll take a moment to read this and take...
3 Good Reasons to Stop Comparing
Need some reasons to stop comparing yourself to others? Read this. You slip into your brand new one-piece. It looked okay in the store's dressing room. I can do this. You think to yourself. But one accidental glance at the tag's picture of the gorgeous woman wearing...
Can Christians Be Frenemies? How Comparison Kills Christian Friendships
She asks a lot of questions about your personal life, especially your weaknesses, but doesn't share hers. You can't put your finger on it, but for some reason you feel guilty when you spend time with other friends. Somedays she acts like your biggest fan, but, others,...
19 Lessons I Learned in 2019
For me, 2019 was full of loss, change, and uncertainty. Honestly, I thought 2018 was hard and I had all these wonderful expectations for 2019 to be so much better . . .and yet, it didn't deliver. But, truth is, God doesn't waste any of our days . . . months . . .or...
How to Host a Stress-Free Dinner Party (and Why You Should)
Most people don't socialize anymore. I'm likely over-generalizing. But, I think it's true. I remember as a kid my mom would throw big parties for friends. The one I remember most required her to purchase fifty bamboo trays for people to use to hold their dinners. It...