I caught this slightly crazy but totally funny video on For Every Mom. (You'll get the gist after the first fifteen seconds. Why is it so funny? Because it's true . . .at least for me it was. Years ago we planted a church in our house. Yes. Our church met inside our...

Hey Jealousy: Three Ways to Tame Envy & Covetousness
One Sunday morning, a sermon revolutionized the way I thought about my body image. In truth, I have no idea what the pastor actually preached about that day. (Don't worry, this was before my husband was also my pastor). But, as we read through the section of Exodus...
50 Ways to Beat Comparison Part 1
Why do we stay stuck in comparison, what can we do to break out, in what ways is comparison ACTUALLY hurting us? This episode is a rapid fire list of ways that you can recognize and beat comparison in your life. Many of these ideas are found in my new book, The Burden...
The Real Cure for Comparison
I'm so weary of hearing pithy quotes about comparison without being offered tangible solutions. "Don't compare your behind the scenes to someone else's highlights reel." Or, the way overused, "Comparison is the thief of joy." They're fine statements, but you already...
Summer Body Image Survival Guide!
I love summer. The sunshine. Getting tan. The chance to unwind and relax by the pool. But, then, I hate summer. The pressure to wear shorts or swimsuits to every social engagement. The reminder that my body doesn't match our culture's definition of perfection. The...
How the Gospel Speaks to Comparison: Accepted Beyond Measure
Comparison is the name of the game in a gym. I hear it, I see it, I live it. In my classes I notice people work harder if the person next to them is working harder. I hear women tell other women that they wish their (insert body part here) looked more like her (insert...
What a Trip to the Olympics Taught Me About Comparison
Watching the Olympics this Winter? Here's what a trip to the games taught me about comparison! There's a well-dressed woman who always slips into the sixth row at church. Obviously, she has it all together. Though she rushes in, she's somehow, always, right on time....
2 Reasons to Make Burden of Better the First Christian Book You Read this Year
Have you made resolutions? Maybe you've started the year with a great resolve to “improve” this, that, or everything? That was me. For decades. Then God showed me that the self-improvement treadmill was taking me nowhere. And, that's why I wrote this book, The Burden...
The Burden of Better is For: Working Women
Whether you’re working at home, climbing a corporate ladder, clocking in and out of shifts or setting your own hours—we women work hard. If I’m honest, I’m probably more likely than most men I know to “overwork.” It’s hard for me to rest. There’s always something else...
The Burden of Better is For: Single Women
Another bridesmaid dress. Another wedding in which I’d play a supporting role—when all I wanted was the lead. How many more bouquets did I need to catch to make it my turn? What was I doing wrong? Was I emitting an “I prefer to be single” code detected only by...