Do you feel worse about your body when you're tired? Can tiredness, fatigue, and over-working make you feel bad about how you look? Likewise, can getting adequate rest improve your body image? That's what we explore today. ... Sputter. Sputter. Sputter. That's weird....

Christian Living
Cinderella Let Me Down but God Did Not: Surrendering My Dreams to His Better Plan
God's plan was better than a Cinderella story. But, sometimes, I get so attached to the way I want things to work out, it's hard for me to see how surrendering my dreams to him works out better for my life. You see, I have an attachment problem. To stuff. To dreams....
How a Control Freak Almost Ruined My Marriage
Nine years ago this morning all I could think about was giving the no-show limo driver a piece of my mind. The day started early. I oozed with emotions of every kind. I hopped into my dear friend Heidi's sporty little car at 6am to drive to a hair and make-up...
How to Have the Worst Mother’s Day Ever
Twenty. That's how many absolutely horrible, no good, very bad Mother's Days I've had. If you know me, you may respond...Wait, isn't your oldest only ten? And, you'd be right. But, my Mother's Day misery started well before I ever read "pregnant" on a little...
Rachel And Leah: Three Lessons Leah Can Teach Us About Beauty and Body Image
I used to believe that Genesis 29:17 was the meanest verse in the whole Bible. Leah's eyes were weak, but Rachel was beautiful in form and appearance. (ESV) How could God tell us that Rachel beamed with physical beauty while Leah lacked great eyes? Isn't that a bit...
Best Songs to Beat Insecurity 2
People of all ages struggle with doubt and insecurity, and do you know a great way to combat these negative feelings? Music! You may remember a post from a few years back called “Best Songs to Beat Insecurity.” Well, here is “Best Songs to Beat Insecurity 2,” an...
Three Good Reasons to Tilt Your Mirror: Key to Better Body Image
That dress is sooo cute. I bring the hanger to my chin to check the length. Good. Dressing room, here I come! I slip it on and look at the long reflective glass. Wow. This dress is amazing. Have I lost weight? And, then I see it. The mirror. It's tilted. Tilted down,...
The Unexpected Lesson My Old Robe Taught Me
She woke up early. She always does. I think she enjoys being the first one downstairs. She sat beside me on the couch and tried to look over my shoulder as I read God's word on the iPad. Today, a particularly unpleasant scent interfered with our quiet time together....
Wasted Worry: What the Gospel Says to a Mother’s Worry
I worried he’d be born on Halloween. With an October 30 due date, it certainly could have happened. He’d have to share his birthday with trick-or-treaters, candy comas, and scary movies. I detested the concept and avoided all labor inducing activities for a full...
Why We Must Stop Saying, “It’s What’s on the Inside that Counts”
It's what's on the inside that counts. -Everyone I distinctly remember how I felt when someone told me, "It's on the inside that counts." Frustration! All through my teens and twenties, I wanted to care less about my weight or my skin or my hair. But, I didn't know...