Sixteen: the number of days it had been since I checked my work email. But between the wedding, a cross-country move, and our honeymoon, time hadn't permitted me the luxury. Today I would have to face reality. I opened my new husband's laptop. My computer and the rest...

Let’s Get Real About Marriage
As required reading for pre-marital counseling, my soon-to-be-husband and I read the book, "Sacred Marriage" by Gary Thomas. One of Gary's main principles explains that the purpose of marriage is to make us holy, not happy. (Okay, it's also the subtitle!) As an...
How to Help Your Wife With Body Image Issues
Though my followers are mostly women, today's post is written for the man in your life. If you are married, pass it on to your husband after you read. I hope you can talk through it together and reach a new level of understanding on this issue. (Not married? I hope...
My Marriage is Not What I Expected: Three Ways Marriage Surprised Me
Marriage surprised me in the worst way. My expectations of marriage set me up for near failure. Here's how it started . . . Tears spilled down my face. But it felt more like my heart was bleeding. I stared even harder at the collage of eggs, pancakes, and...
The Fight-Free Way to Navigate Wife’s Body Image Issues: FAQs
Does your wife struggle with body image issues? Have you ever wondered what to say or do to help her? Here's the fight-free way to navigate a wife's body image issues. The first thing you need to do, especially if you are already a Christian, is read this article. It...
Cinderella Let Me Down but God Did Not: Surrendering My Dreams to His Better Plan
God's plan was better than a Cinderella story. But, sometimes, I get so attached to the way I want things to work out, it's hard for me to see how surrendering my dreams to him works out better for my life. You see, I have an attachment problem. To stuff. To dreams....
How a Control Freak Almost Ruined My Marriage
Nine years ago this morning all I could think about was giving the no-show limo driver a piece of my mind. The day started early. I oozed with emotions of every kind. I hopped into my dear friend Heidi's sporty little car at 6am to drive to a hair and make-up...
Ten Ways to Keep Marriage Hot
Last week, my husband and I took a trip to Italy to celebrate ten years of marriage. It wasn't a whim. On our honeymoon, we decided that we would save and plan and do this trip as a celebration of the decade mark. By God's grace alone---we made it! (To both Italy and...
Body Image Issues in Marriage: Why No Mere Man Can Help
Grapefruit, salmon burgers, and plain oatmeal; the exhaustive list of foods--aside from unbuttered vegetables--that were “legal” on my pre-wedding diet. In six short weeks, I'd be sitting in Hawaii eating room service with my new husband. I could endure this...
Will My Date Think I’m Pretty? Dating & Body Image
Let’s talk about dating I’ll be fully honest with you, I haven’t been on a date in 5 years! I know this is going to sound crazy and unusual for women my age nowadays, but it’s the truth. I dated a boy in high school for over a year, and when it ended horribly, I swore...