I have a confession to make: I fall for weight loss gimmicks. I can't count the number of times I've filled out a survey to find my "perfect weight loss plan," only to abandon after giving them my email address. This leads to an inbox full of "opportunities" for...

Body Image Idolatry
How Not To Handle Fear of Fat
Do you fear fat? Are you afraid of what will happen if your body size never changes? Or, maybe you're afraid that someday your size will change and you won't be able to control it? Read Mindy's wise words below . . . I had another “fat” day. A day when I could feel...
Am I Pretty Enough? Struggles With Pride, Vanity, Worth, Identity & Love
am i pretty enough? I thought I wasn’t like the other girls around me in high school. I knew I was a good person on the inside, I just wasn’t sure if I was pretty enough on the outside for boys. At least I was beautiful on the inside though, that’s what they always...
What a Trip to the Olympics Taught Me About Comparison
Watching the Olympics this Winter? Here's what a trip to the games taught me about comparison! There's a well-dressed woman who always slips into the sixth row at church. Obviously, she has it all together. Though she rushes in, she's somehow, always, right on time....
Why We Must Stop Saying, “It’s What’s on the Inside that Counts”
It's what's on the inside that counts. -Everyone I distinctly remember how I felt when someone told me, "It's on the inside that counts." Frustration! All through my teens and twenties, I wanted to care less about my weight or my skin or my hair. But, I didn't know...
My Beauty Idol: Mindy’s Story
Today, I'm so thrilled to share with you the story of my reader friend, Mindy and her journey to finding body image freedom and uncovering her beauty idol. Mindy's words are powerful! She breaks down this issue in a way that I know will help so many of you who are...
Worshipping Calves: What the Old Testament Can Teaches Us about Body Image
"Mom, why would anyone want to worship an object?" My son, Zach, yelled from the seat behind me. Idolatry seems puzzling, doesn't it. I tried to think of an appropriate answer for my ten-year-old. I couldn't help but think about my personal battle with body image and...
Unveiling the All or Nothing Mentality to Improve Your Body Image
Confession time. Just over a year ago, I had a photo album on my phone titled “thinspiration.” You’ve probably already deduced the photos were a collection of ladies that I completely and totally envied. Celebrities. Friends. Personal trainers. Even a frenemy. The...
What a Burning Desire for a Better Body Reveals
One month after our wedding day, my new husband picked me up at the Fresno airport which we lovingly referred to as FAT (well because that's actually it's acronym). I had been gone for several days, so we made small talk about my travels in the car. Then, with a sort...
To Clothes I’m Saving for When My Hot Body Returns: A Break-up Letter
Dear Clothes I'm Saving for When My Hot Body Returns: I hate to do it. No, really, I do. I've kept you, size four cocktail dress, in the shadows of my closet for 14 years now. And, you--lined-black dress slacks--you've been draped over that hanger for so long, I...