I love a great makeover story. Do you? To see the “before” and “after” of a new haircut or wardrobe change or how people are able to take control of their health when they lose weight . . . We love a good success story, don’t we? What strikes me most about any of...

Shopping Cart Righteousness and Drive Thru Shame
Imagine yourself in a back alley of a questionable neighborhood, wearing a hooded coat which hides your guilty eyes. You shift your weight from side to side, resist the urge to run, and command yourself; “Be cool man. Just be cool. No one will know. Just a few more...
Still Struggling with Food? Me Too
Would you believe it if I told you that while writing my eating disorder story I actually thought I didn't really struggle with food anymore? It's true. I really thought it no longer applied to me. Sure, I've technically been "recovered" from an eating disorder for...
The Fear of Scale Cycle
I'm super excited to bring you a new post from my friend Mindy Pickens. Mindy will be serving as a lead contributor here at Compared to Who? and since her first post "My Beauty Idol" she's written an update. If you've ever struggled with your weight or body image, you...
How to Get Over the Fear of Being Fat
The "Questions" series continues with this important question about how to get over the fear of being "fat." I put fat in quotations because fat is a term that is not only relative, but also way overused by our culture. I understand that this question will resonate...