I'm officially over hearing about how to be a better mom. You can also keep your ten tips to being a better employee, your six steps to being a better friend, and your secrets to being a great wife lists. Additionally, I'm rejecting all alliterations for building a...

Christian Living
One Word and Two Resolutions That May Surprise You
I stopped resolving things on December 31st about ten years ago. That was the year my third son was born and in addition to the new responsibility of having to celebrate a birthday on New Year's Eve, I officially hit the limit of things I could possibly think about at...
When Words Hurt
What if your bucket list included owning beautiful shoes--just one pair-- of beautiful, well-fitting shoes? Today I'm sharing a powerful post from my friend, Dr. Michelle Bengtson, about when words hurt. Can I assure you that this is a must read? Many of us bear the...
Why No One Knows I Have Body Image Issues
When I walk into a room full of women, it's hard for me to stop my brain from assessing where I rank in terms of my physical size. On a bad day I can tell you in seconds how many women are thinner and how many women are heavier than I am. I'm not proud of this. But,...
Grace That is Greater Than Botox: When Beauty Doesn’t Do What We Hoped it Would
For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation for all people, training us to renounce ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright, and godly lives in the present age. . . Titus 2:11-12 For years I fought a daily battle with my body....
Work For It: Grace Versus Works
The music blares as we reach one of the most intense parts of the workout. Resistance is high and to encourage my spin class to make it up the fictitious hill we are climbing, I yell it out. Come on. . . WORK FOR IT! Sure, I throw in some "You can do its" and an...
Easter:: Easter Means You Are Free!
"Thank you! I'm looking forward to allowing God to love me like never before." Her message gave me goosebumps as I read it. I am excited and encouraged each time I hear from another woman ready to start a journey towards body image freedom. (Have a story to share?...
What Happens After Day 31: Hope if Your Habits Falter
This is Day 31. Thirty-one days ago we started school. My house was clean. My freezer meals were prepped. My desk looked like a professional organizer stopped by. And, our routine was rock solid. I made a schedule and we stuck to it. This is what homeschool moms do. I...
What Christmas Speaks to My Body Image Issues
Eight Christmas parties in seven days. Fun, right? Can I just tell you that we have some friends who are foodies and, well, wow have I consumed some massive quantities of calories lately. So, this morning when I had the privilege of stepping on the scales at the...
5 Ways to Get Your Shopping Habits Under Control
Take another 30% off clearance. Six words that make my heart so happy. My husband insists that nothing makes my face light up quite like a full rack of mark-downs and a coupon for extra discounts. I love shopping. Too much. Recently I’ve been trying to curb my...