As we're thrust into uncertain times, we need to see the presence of God in our crazy world, now more than ever! Today I talk to author Abby McDonald. Her brand new book titled, "Shift" is about just that - Changing our focus to see the presence of God! Abby and I...

April Hooper
Podcast: Compared to Who? Christian Book About Body Image Preview – Audio Chapters Stressed or depressed over the skin you're in? Maybe you've heard you should "love your body" but are frustrated trying. In today's episode you'll...
Podcast: The Burden of Busyness Parts 1 and 2
The Burden of Busyness Part 1: Do you thrive in busyness or feel like you're falling apart? Do you go through seasons when life feels out of balance and the busyness turns to overwhelm? Does the busyness of the holiday season stress you out? Today Heather Creekmore...
Podcast: How to Stop Troubleshooting Your Life
There are a zillion and one things you could do to improve yourself and your life. But, what happens if you spend too much time (or all your time) looking at all the flaws? You get caught in the trap of troubleshooting! Then, you don't enjoy the life you have! In this...
What to do if you have CDD: Chronic Disappointment Disorder
Do you have CDD--Chronic Disappointment Disorder? Are you constantly let down by your expectations of others, yourself, or things that you wished or hoped would happen? In this episode Heather Creekmore talks about the ways she's struggled with disappointment and she...
Podcast: Making Peace with Your Body: Interview with Jen DeFrates Today I interview Jen DeFrates of Heaven Not Harvard: Heaven Focused Parenting and Living. Jen and I talk about her story, homeschooling,...
Podcast: Is Self Love Biblical?
Everywhere in our culture we hear that self love is the answer! If you're struggling with body image or comparison, just love yourself more and you'll be okay. But does that line up with scripture? Is self love biblical? What does the Bible say about self love? While...
Podcast: Back to Routine? Succeed with New Habits and Rhythms
Do Fall and "Back to School Season" drive you to make new goals or plans to 'be better' this year? If you find yourself chasing your ideals or goals and falling short, season after season, here's some encouragement as to how to set goals you can stick with (and...
Podcast: How to Handle Negative Body Image Flare Ups!
What do you do when you feel like your body image is doing better and then, boom! Out of nowhere, you feel yourself comparing or struggling with the scale and mirror again! Here's how to handle body image flare ups and keep the freedom you've gained! Listen now (or...
Podcast: What About Leah? Body Image, Comparison, Rachel & Leah
Rachel, Leah, and Comparison: Rachel and Leah, the iconic Bible story of two sisters with a giant sibling rivalry, has some hidden truths about body image and comparison. Grab your Bible, turn to Genesis 29 and get ready to see this story in a whole new way. God...