stop comparing. start living

burden of better

The Burden of Better is For: Daughters

The Burden of Better is for daughters, so if you’re a woman reading this, then I’m talking to you so you can have a comparison-free life! To be honest, I used to think that I had to be the best. The best at what? That didn’t really matter. If I was doing it, no sense...

The Burden of Better is For: Joy Seekers

We know how joy gets stolen (Comparison IS the thief of joy, after all). But, where do you go to replenish it? How do you remain filled with joy even on days when you’re bloated, Zoom doesn’t work right during that important meeting, the kids are fighting, and the...

The Burden of Better is for: Married Women

The Burden of Better is a Christian book for married women! Okay it’s for single women too. But if you are married, you’re going to hear a twist on comparison inside our homes that perhaps you’ve never even considered. Comparing ourselves TO our husbands. Yes, that’s...

The Burden of Better is for: Perfectionists

This Christian book about perfectionism will lead you to new answers you've likely not heard before. Why? Because I think there's a little perfectionist in all of us. We’ve all spent way too long staring at a paragraph, or an art project, or our own appearance, trying...

The Burden of Better is for: Chronic Comparers

This brand new Christian book on comparison is designed for chronic comparers! I confess. I’ve spent most of my life on the ladder of comparison. Sliding up and down its rungs each day. Some days, I’d feel like I was making progress. Maybe I got the promotion, my hair...

Podcast: Defeating Comparison with Worship

Could worship be the key to defeating comparison? Listen to this awesome story from the Psalms. Plus, learn more about the new Christian book on defeating comparison called "Burden of Better" and listen at the end to find out about a brand new walking workout to lose...

19 Lessons I Learned in 2019

For me, 2019 was full of loss, change, and uncertainty. Honestly, I thought 2018 was hard and I had all these wonderful expectations for 2019 to be so much better . . .and yet, it didn't deliver. But, truth is, God doesn't waste any of our days . . . months . . .or...