Printable Body Image Prayer for My Daughter

by | Nov 6, 2017 | Helping Daughter with Body Image

This is a prayer I wrote for every girl mom. If we want to keep our girls from struggling with body image and comparison the way that we have, the best things we can do are model a healthy body image and sense of Christ-derived value and to pray. Print this prayer and carry it in your Bible or post it somewhere so you’ll remember to pray regularly for her. Here’s a video I did (years ago-the lighting is awful, sorry!) talking about how to help your daughter with her body image:

Dear Heavenly Father:

I acknowledge that my daughter is your daughter too. I know you love her and created her for a purpose.

Help me, Heavenly Father, to be a good role model for her. Help me to not obsess over beauty or over-focus on my appearance or her’s. Give me eyes to see when my words or actions communicate wrong messages about value and where it is derived. Show me how to show her that true value is found in you alone.

Help me to believe that for myself so that she can see that it’s true.

Most of all, Lord, protect her. Shield her eyes and ears from messages that are contrary to your Word. Help her to root her identity in you alone and not seek to find affirmation by meeting our culture’s standard of beauty.

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

Want a printable version of this prayer? Use this link: A Body Image Prayer for My Daughter


A body image prayer for my daughter

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  1. April

    Thank you for this prayer. My beautiful oldest daughter is a teen and is beautiful but she doesn’t see that. I want her to know her worth isn’t in what she looks like. I will be praying this for all our daughters along with you. Thank you again!

  2. BloomingSunshine

    What a beautiful prayer. I love that you brought out our daughters are God’s daughters too. ❤️

    • Heather Creekmore

      Thank you, blooming! I believe our daughters need so much prayer in this area, don’t they? Thanks for chiming in!


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