Okay, so I'm not exactly a food blogger. No Pioneer Woman here. And if you saw my epic bake fail on Netflix, you may be hesitant to follow my food recipes . . . BUT . . . I do have four children who are ALWAYS hungry. Especially in the summer. An hour of swimming and...

Little Mirrors: Encouragement for Moms
Mom, did you know your children are little mirrors? Yes, that's right...they reflect it all! Here's what I've learned about how to make sure their reflection is bright. He yells, "Don't do that!" and sounds serious (and maybe a little mean). He gets exasperated when...
Dear Girl Mom, She’s Watching: Teaching Our Daughters Not to Hate Their Bodies
This is a letter I'm writing to you, but also to myself. You see moms, our daughters are watching (so are our sons). But we have to not just teach them how not to hate their bodies, we have to show them. The job is a big one. But, our girls are watching. Dear Girl...
Confession of a Body Image Bully Featuring Erin Kerry
Do you struggle with your body image and negative self talk? Know you aren't alone, in that. Today, I've asked my friend Erin Kerry to share how God has worked on her in this area. Here is her confession of a body image bully...check out her story below! I am a...
How to Have the Worst Mother’s Day Ever
Twenty. That's how many absolutely horrible, no good, very bad Mother's Days I've had. If you know me, you may respond...Wait, isn't your oldest only ten? And, you'd be right. But, my Mother's Day misery started well before I ever read "pregnant" on a little...
How Cleaning Your House Like Crazy Connects to Your Body Image
I caught this slightly crazy but totally funny video on For Every Mom. (You'll get the gist after the first fifteen seconds. Why is it so funny? Because it's true . . .at least for me it was. Years ago we planted a church in our house. Yes. Our church met inside our...
Wasted Worry: What the Gospel Says to a Mother’s Worry
I worried he’d be born on Halloween. With an October 30 due date, it certainly could have happened. He’d have to share his birthday with trick-or-treaters, candy comas, and scary movies. I detested the concept and avoided all labor inducing activities for a full...
How Victoria’s Secret Impacts Body Image: A Letter to My Daughter
I wrote this quick letter to my daughter about her value a few months ago, the evening that the Victoria's Secret swimsuit special aired on national television. I think our girls have it tough on the body image front in this Victoria's Secret world we live in. I...
How Do I Help My Daughter With Her Body Image? The First 4 Steps
I don't know at what exact moment it all changed. But I remember in third grade when I stood in front of the gold-trimmed, full-length mirror in the corner of my room and made an assessment that I would carry with me for decades: My thighs were large. This thought...
What Happens After Day 31: Hope if Your Habits Falter
This is Day 31. Thirty-one days ago we started school. My house was clean. My freezer meals were prepped. My desk looked like a professional organizer stopped by. And, our routine was rock solid. I made a schedule and we stuck to it. This is what homeschool moms do. I...