Yesterday I watched the movie Tangled with my kids. It reminded me of how powerful fairy tales are at telling stories and how they assist us in recognizing good and evil in the real world. C.S. Lewis put it this way, regarding fairy tales, "Since it is so likely that...

Why I’m Not Building My Children’s Self-Esteem
There are over forty-six million entries on Google on how to build your child's self-esteem. Forty-six million!!! We've been told for decades that this is the job of parents to make sure their children have healthy self-esteem so they can go off into the world and...
Should I Let My Daughter Wear MakeUp?
Our "Questions" series continues with this one: Dear Heather: My daughter is only eleven years old but she's begging to wear make-up. I try to tell her that she doesn't need make-up to be pretty, but she says the other girls in her class wear it and then points to the...
Does God Give Us the Desires of Our Heart?
Sometimes I wrestle with that verse in Psalms 37:4 about God giving us our heart's desires. How often does that happen? What about all the stuff I've longed for and never received? Is God really a good father who wants good for me? What about my let downs? My...