stop comparing. start living


Finding Comfort in the Act of Comparison

I believe that comparison can give me comfort!  As a woman I come by comparison naturally. I compare myself or my situation to someone’s and end up feeling hopeless--too discouraged to even try. So how can comparison give me comfort? When I stop comparing my human...

Comparison versus Compassion

Comparison suffocates compassion. We forget that we're all the same--human beings, made in God's image, hungry for love, searching for truth, and longing for grace. Instead of extending that grace and love to each other--we compare, we envy, and we tear down. Yes, we...

Do You Know How You Were Designed?

I sit in the waiting area, listening to my nine-year-old son's computer class. I'm mentally transported to my college freshman year Intro to Math course, where Dr. Widmar spoke to us, with his back always to the blackboard, in some special language that only computer...