Do you struggle with your body image and negative self talk? Know you aren't alone, in that. Today, I've asked my friend Erin Kerry to share how God has worked on her in this area. Here is her confession of a body image bully...check out her story below! I am a...

Body Image
Love Jesus. Not Cellulite. Why Body Pride Doesn’t Fix Body Image
Does body pride fix our body image issues? I don't think so. Here's what I've learned. It was the year I wrote my first book, Compared to Who? and the story was all over my Facebook newsfeed. The the bikini...the one with the saggy skin and stretch marks. You...
Cinderella Let Me Down but God Did Not: Surrendering My Dreams to His Better Plan
God's plan was better than a Cinderella story. But, sometimes, I get so attached to the way I want things to work out, it's hard for me to see how surrendering my dreams to him works out better for my life. You see, I have an attachment problem. To stuff. To dreams....
What Easter Speaks to Our Body Image Issues
What does Easter speak to our body image? Easter means you can be free. We all need the reminder that the cross is where our true worth and value are derived. We aren't more loved by the Father when we are pretty, thin, or well put-together. We aren't more valuable to...
The Joy Workout: 3 Songs, 12 Minutes to a Lighter Soul
Some of my regular readers know that I quit the gym a few months ago. Since then, I've been struggling with what to do for exercise. Enter: the Joy Workout. I loathe running. Mostly because I look like this when I run. I actually threw up after a 5k. I wish that said...
Why Am I Obsessed With Being Thinner
For many years I believed that if I could just lose the weight, then I would arrive. Arrive where, I didn't know specifically. I'm not sure I cared, because I knew it would certainly be a better place. A place where trying on clothes was an easy and enjoyable task. My...
Rachel And Leah: Three Lessons Leah Can Teach Us About Beauty and Body Image
I used to believe that Genesis 29:17 was the meanest verse in the whole Bible. Leah's eyes were weak, but Rachel was beautiful in form and appearance. (ESV) How could God tell us that Rachel beamed with physical beauty while Leah lacked great eyes? Isn't that a bit...
Fearfully and Wonderfully Made: When that Doesn’t Quite Cut It
You are fearfully and wonderfully made! You've heard it. You've read it. You have it inscribed on a wall plaque. But, you still struggle with your body image. You don't tell anyone it's not helping. Especially not God! What if he gets upset that his word hasn't...
Help! I Hate How I Look in Pictures!
“Help, I hate pictures of me!” I hear it all the time. I've felt it too. Every photo presents a new opportunity to critique, scrutinize, and tear ourselves apart. It was bad enough when we had printed photos to hold up and wrinkle our noses at. But, now we can see...
How Cleaning Your House Like Crazy Connects to Your Body Image
I caught this slightly crazy but totally funny video on For Every Mom. (You'll get the gist after the first fifteen seconds. Why is it so funny? Because it's true . . .at least for me it was. Years ago we planted a church in our house. Yes. Our church met inside our...