Does your man's past affect how you feel about your body? Does your husband have a past that makes you feel insecure-especially when it comes tophysical intimacy? Or do you have a boyfriend with a past and the thought of marriage and intimacy makes you feel...
Heather Creekmore
How to Help Your Wife With Body Image Issues
Though my followers are mostly women, today's post is written for the man in your life. If you are married, pass it on to your husband after you read. I hope you can talk through it together and reach a new level of understanding on this issue. (Not married? I hope...
My Marriage is Not What I Expected: Three Ways Marriage Surprised Me
Marriage surprised me in the worst way. My expectations of marriage set me up for near failure. Here's how it started . . . Tears spilled down my face. But it felt more like my heart was bleeding. I stared even harder at the collage of eggs, pancakes, and...
The Fight-Free Way to Navigate Wife’s Body Image Issues: FAQs
Does your wife struggle with body image issues? Have you ever wondered what to say or do to help her? Here's the fight-free way to navigate a wife's body image issues. The first thing you need to do, especially if you are already a Christian, is read this article. It...
Dear Girl Mom, She’s Watching: Teaching Our Daughters Not to Hate Their Bodies
This is a letter I'm writing to you, but also to myself. You see moms, our daughters are watching (so are our sons). But we have to not just teach them how not to hate their bodies, we have to show them. The job is a big one. But, our girls are watching. Dear Girl...
Love Jesus. Not Cellulite. Why Body Pride Doesn’t Fix Body Image
Does body pride fix our body image issues? I don't think so. Here's what I've learned. It was the year I wrote my first book, Compared to Who? and the story was all over my Facebook newsfeed. The the bikini...the one with the saggy skin and stretch marks. You...
Cinderella Let Me Down but God Did Not: Surrendering My Dreams to His Better Plan
God's plan was better than a Cinderella story. But, sometimes, I get so attached to the way I want things to work out, it's hard for me to see how surrendering my dreams to him works out better for my life. You see, I have an attachment problem. To stuff. To dreams....
Rivalries, Sisters, and Comparison: A Biblical Look
Do you have a rival? Hannah in the Bible did. As did Rachel and Leah. Today we look at rivalries, competitions, and comparisons that happen between women. Whether you've always been compared to a rival sister or cousin, or whether or not you've just found yourself in...
What Easter Speaks to Our Body Image Issues
What does Easter speak to our body image? Easter means you can be free. We all need the reminder that the cross is where our true worth and value are derived. We aren't more loved by the Father when we are pretty, thin, or well put-together. We aren't more valuable to...
Money, Body Image, Stewardship, Hoarding, and All the Connections
The concept of stewardship is often used with our bodies and money, but are there more connections between money and body image than we may know? Today's episode explores these connections, how eating disorders show up in the way we deal with money, how eating...