Do you struggle with your body image and negative self talk? Know you aren't alone, in that. Today, I've asked my friend Erin Kerry to share how God has worked on her in this area. Here is her confession of a body image bully...check out her story below! I am a...

Erin Kerry
Jesus is Better Than Optimal Health
Unlike most people who go to the doctor for a routine check up, I was extremely excited to meet my new integrative doctor and learn the results of my body scan. I eat pretty healthy, I work out, I make my health a priority. So when I logged in to the patient portal...
The Other Woman: Sorting Through Your Own Body Image Issues While Raising a Daughter
Another woman moved into my house. She's skinnier than me, has a better figure than me, carries a youthful glow I lack, possesses no trace of cellulite, and she fits into the jeans size of my dreams. That woman is my daughter. What a twist. I birth my third baby, feel...
I’m Too Fat & Ugly
Today we continue the "Real Women. Real Stories." series on Compared to Who! This series features women from the Compared to Who? book trailer who were asked to write on a sign what lie the mirror most frequently tells/or has told them. Here's Erin's story. (Be sure...
The Urge to Overexplain
I suffer from a chronic condition. A condition called "overexplaining." I didn't realize I experienced this type of disease until the birth of my third child. The child who didn't latch right for nursing, the child diagnosed with lip and tongue tie, the child who I...
Trusting in Transition
Nearing the end of pregnancy, I walk through the mall, browsing all the sale items and clothes that are pointless to shop for when you can’t see your toes. Everything I feared happening to my body, happened. My hips expanded, my thighs spread, and my chest has grown...
My Hospitality Obstacle: the Chair of Shame
There it sits. The shame of my household. The reason my hospitality has declined. My hospitality obstacle. The chair. What once was a cozy rocking place for my baby sits shredded at the seams. The black leather chair we purchased for the arrival of our son, three...
Coveting My Neighbor’s Belly: Pregnancy and Body Image Series
The Pregnancy and Body Image Series continues with this post from Erin on coveting her neighbor's baby belly! “You’re 20 weeks? You don’t even look pregnant!” “You’re pregnant? I would never have known it!” “Congratulations! You’re what, like 3 months?” Nope, try like...
I’m Pregnant but I Don’t Want to Gain Weight
I need to admit something. It’s embarrassing, it causes me shame, but I’m putting it out there. I didn’t want to be pregnant because I didn’t want to get fat. Here I am, just out of my first trimester with our #bonusbaby, and all my body image issues--which I thought...
Full:: What REALLY Fills Us?
Normally, it's a good thing to be full. As someone who has struggled with loving food a little too much for the last 34 years of life, feeling full is one of my favorite feelings. In first grade, I ate two Whoppers from Burger King without blinking an eye. In middle...