I looked out our second story bathroom window onto the blooming tree in our neighbor’s yard. I noticed a massive number of bees swarming around it’s blooms. There were so many of them I’m sure had I opened the window I would have heard the buzzing.

I don’t necessarily like bees. They scare me a little and often cause my children to panic. But a thought occurred to me–those bees–they have great purpose. Without their work in the process of pollination, our world would be flowerless and dull.

Then I noticed a dead fly on the bathroom windowsill. Kind of gross, right? I hate flies. Truth is, they have a purpose too. Sure, I had to Google what that purpose was. . . but I found out that flies help break down decaying matter. And, this was kind of interesting (gross, but interesting), by studying fly larvae crime scene investigators (think CSI) can figure out the time of death when they find a dead body outdoors.

So, what’s with all this nature talk? What does this have to do with you or your body image or your struggle with comparison?

Here’s the connection:

You have great purpose.

Can I say that again, just to make sure you got it?

You have great purpose.

Flies live three days and yet, in that short amount of time, serve a great purpose. Bees annoy the daylights out of us but serve a great purpose. You, my friend, have a great purpose too–a much, much greater purpose than that of any insect or animal.

What would happen in nature if all the flies got jealous that they weren’t dressed as colorfully as the bees and stopped doing their jobs so they could scheme ways they could get a better body? Or, what if all the bees stopped buzzing from flower to flower to, instead, stare at themselves in the reflection of our kitchen windows and ponder why they aren’t as pretty as butterflies.

Ridiculous to consider, right?

But I wonder if that’s what God sees when he looks down and observes us moaning over our physical appearance. I hear him saying something like, “Oh, my daughter, I have such great plans for your life. I have a great purpose for you–one that far surpasses you becoming pretty enough for people to stare at with lust or envy.”

It’s graduation season here. Everywhere I go I see “Congratulations Grad” balloons and cards espousing that these kids have great things ahead of them. We encourage our daughters to dream big dreams and shoot for the stars. But, at the same time, do you know what one of the top graduation gifts was for girls in the region where I live?

Boob jobs.

Apparently the time between high school and college (or work) is the perfect time to change your bra size. You know, to make sure you are “fully” equipped for the future?

I don’t think that surgery in and of itself is sinful (if you’ve had one please hear no condemnation in my tone–we’re all on the same team fighting the same battle here). But, I seriously wonder what message we are sending our girls when altering their body is deemed important to preparing them for the future.Graduation Greater Purpose Image

Often, in the graduation program you’ll read what the graduates have planned for their future.

How silly would it be if the graduates’ goals read like this:

“Jill received her Bachelor’s degree in education and hopes to someday wear a size two.”

“Kylee graduates today with honors. She aspires to have six pack abs before she turns twenty.”

“Sara was a part of the National Honor Society and hopes to go to college and earn a B.A. in Swimsuit Modeling with a concentration in Bikini Body Hotness.”

Friend, don’t lose your vision.

Don’t miss the big picture.

Don’t get so focused on what’s going on with your outsides that you forget about the reason you were created.

You have great purpose.

You have a higher calling than achieving thigh gap or sporting cellulite-free skin.

God has a far greater purpose for your life than just looking good in a bikini.

Believe it.


Want to encourage a grad in your life that her purpose is far beyond what she looks like? Check out this book!

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Compared to Who BookYou have a great purpose here.




  1. DaLynn McCoy

    You’re so right, and this is great timing for me. I need to be reminded of my purpose and the calling on my life. Thank you for posting! I hope to see you again this weekend at Christian Fellowship. 🙂 Be blessed!

  2. Amanda

    I really appreciate what you are trying to do for women. I have felt for so long that all I have going on for me is my looks and after having 2 kids….well lets just say my confidence has taken quite a hit. It has affected my marriage and I hear my 4 year old telling people “I can’t eat that, it will make me fat”. While I want her to eat healthy, that is something she shouldn’t have to be worried about.

    I want a boob job. Post nursing boobs look like deflated balloons. But, I have a list of things I want to do with my money before I spend it on that, like take the kids on a Disney cruise 🙂 I really hope to discover my purpose, but currently I am the struggling woman you are trying to reach, so keep the posts coming!

    • Heather Creekmore

      Amanda – thank you so much for your kind words and comment. We’re all on a journey together, but know it’s true…we do have great purpose even with post-nursing boobs (I put in four years on that front so I’m right there with you)!!! Prayers for your journey and thanks again for commenting. 🙂



  1. An Open Letter to All the Girls Graduating This Year: Don't Get That Boob Job - […] version of this article originally appeared at ComparedtoWho.me. Check out Heather’s book, Compared to Who? on […]
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