Did you know that one of the key ways we experience spiritual warfare is in the fight for our identity in Christ? The enemy works very hard to distract us by convincing us to find identity in other places or things and, in that way, he steals our identity. If you’ve ever felt caught up in being recognized for your looks or size, you may have experienced it!
Grounded in biblical truths, today’s episode explores the dangers of attaching our identity to external factors, and the culture’s push for us to have more pride as the ‘solution’ to our struggles. We also discuss self-love versus self-denial and question whether or not the hot topic of self-love is compatible with Christian beliefs.
Are You Ready to Reclaim Your Identity in Christ?
Hear practical advice on how shifting our focus from self-centeredness and comparison to genuine love, appreciation, and gratitude for what God has done for us can unlock genuine and lasting freedom. We also discuss the battle to love others as ourselves as one of biggest way we experience the challenges of walking in the spirit, daily!
If you’re tired of fighting the battle of “who” you are, then try a new way and rest in “whose” you are.
Are you ready to get free this Fall? Sign up for the new Body Image Freedom Framework online course and coaching program here: https://www.improvebodyimage.com/christian-body-image-course-coaching
Interested in the Fearfully Made conference in Dallas? Learn more here: in-his-image-body-image-conference-for-teen-girls-and-women-2023