Can we trust God as our divine dietician? Today we talk about the truth that God’s wisdom is good for ALL areas of our lives and the one who created our bodies probably knows best how we can take care of them. It’s a simple truth that most of us who have been caught up in dieting and “body changing” efforts for years may forget. The verse of the day is one that convicts me greatly. It’s from Matthew 6:25, “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes?” How much of my life have I spent worrying about what I would eat or drink or how my clothes would fit? When God tells his people not to worry in the New Testament – these are specific things he mentions. I think of how often I’ve ignored this command. I’ve spent days, weeks, decades consumed with planning what I would eat or trying to fit in a smaller clothing size before that big event. But the command is clear — we’re to trust God even in this area of our life. Let’s pray together today that we can do this–that we can yield our body, our food, and all other anxieties to him.

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Listen to my interview with Asheritah Ciuciu where she mentions the concept of God as Divine Dietician here.

Have you read Heather’s book the Burden of Better yet? Check it out here or download two sample chapters free here!

30 Days to Pray for Body Image: divine dietician