Do you have an all or nothing mentality? Today’s guest, Shawna Scafe, and I will talk about this common struggle to think about life and all the things in a black and white or give 100% or 0% type of way! We talk about this mentality as it relates to habits like exercise and reading the Bible and as it relates to food. We also talk about how small habits change lives, where this kind of thinking comes from, and why our brains fall into these patterns of thinking and can’t break out! If your inner critic is loud and you feel like you have to perform for value–this episode is for you too. You’re going to love this conversation about the all or nothing mentality.

Every habit we develop starts with a single action. But, if we get stuck believing we have to do it all or get it all done in a day, we can hurt our ability to move forward and reach our goals. We also talk about the importance of grace–how the life of grace can help each of us break out of the rut of the all or nothing mentality and black and white thinking. Do you want to transform your thought life? Shawna has great suggestions for that too.

The all or nothing mentality may be a familiar friend–but it’s not helping us, so learn how to break free in this amazing, truth-packed interview.

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Other episodes mentioned during this show: Hush the Hustle


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black and white thinking, all or nothing mentality