My name is Becca, and I'm a compare-aholic. It takes many forms. Somedays I try to delude myself and call it "looking for inspiration." (You know that embarassing, guilty pleasure thing where we torment ourselves by sifting through social media and comparing every...

Make My Heart Believe
For the better part of my life, my relationship with food, diet, exercise, and my body has been . . . complicated, to say the least. I’ve been through seasons of “plans” — i.e, Hallie’s path to less jiggle - seasons of “intentionally zero plans” - i.e., Hallie says...
Five Ways to Enjoy an Imperfect Holiday
"Was it everything you dreamed it would be?" she asked. And she was serious--not an ounce of sarcasm in her question. She sounded so sincere in fact, I hated to let her down with my answer. "Well, not really." I quietly replied. "It was good. Don't hear be wrong....
Following the recipe
I wrote this post a few years ago, but I hope you'll still find it thought provoking this week. Are you following God's recipe or doing your own thing hoping it'll turn out alright? I love recipes. But, I hate to be bound to them. They infringe on my creative ability...