How to find your purpose... It sounds like a challenge. In this episode, Heather Creekmore explains the crazy simple ways you can do this through steps of obedience. Heather shares some wild stories of how God provided in totally unexpected ways for their family and...

April Hooper
Podcast: Is Comparison Killing You?
Does comparison bog you down? Do you struggle with constantly comparing your life or your marriage or yourself to other people? Is comparison killing you? In today's podcast, host Heather Creekmore, author of the body image book Compared to Who? and the best new...
Podcast: Finding Joy and Overcoming Body Image and Comparison Struggles
If our body image and comparison issues are rooted in fear, then friends, we aren't living in joy. The Bible tells us fear and joy can't co-exist. Learn how to find joy through the stories and practical exercises suggested in this podcast! Listen on iTunes or use...